Freedom Center and PEMS Founding Documents

  • PEMS Approval Documents - These show the UA Faculty Senate approved the Freedom Center’s proposed Department of Moral Sciences on 8/28/17, and the Arizona Board of Regents approved changing the name to Department of Political Economy and Moral Science (PEMS) on 9/27/17.  Moves the Freedom Center’s high school course to PEMS and proposes that PEMS offer a Masters degree in Political Economy.

  • Proposal to Establish Freedom Center [Was Not a good Deal for UA] - This proposal was prepared for the Koch Foundation. It committed the Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences [SBS] and the UA Provost to each provide all salary and benefits for two new faculty members (four total) if the Freedom Center raises[d] sufficient external funding for those positions for the first five to ten years. After five to ten years, a “sunset review would determine its [the Freedom Center’s] continuation.” Four Koch network foundations provided funding for tenured professors for five years (not ten). SBS and the UA Provost picked up the tab for those Koch network professors for the remaining 20 years. A sunset review was not conducted within five to ten years of the Center’s founding. Instead, a “periodic review,” including a “self-study” by the Freedom Center,  was conducted eleven years after the founding. The review did not consider whether to “sunset” the Freedom Center, as was assured in the proposal that was approved by the president of the University and adopted. Instead, the result of the review was to remove the Center from SBS (where it could be controlled by the Faculty Senate) and make it an administrative unit.